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❤️Something as you do!!!!❤️

Not everyone is going to care as deeply as you do,,not everyone is going to love as fiercely as you do... not everyone is going to give as you do and not everyone is going to spread kindness as you do....and that is because not everyone has heart like yours and not everyone has learnt The art of giving as you have!!!!

So yuppp!!!! The quicker you accept  that.,,, it's easier ist maintain the expections and not be disappointed at someone who can't love you as you love them..!!!!

So... don't forget to love urself rather than others.... and also don't forget to #bewithmini😋😋....


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Hey thanks for stopping by here!!!!!🙂 N welcome to #bewithmini..... So ,m yamini Tiwari from India!!! n m Just a student right now.....n a cs student..!!!! So yuppp!! M gonna starting this blog as  #bewithmini😋 ...... I just want to share about a day.... which all of u guys are spend with urself  #beurself...!! So my main intention is to create this blog,,,just to introduce , enjoy and spend  all the moments of ur life with urself .....rather than with a lots of fucking shits.... Here,,u need know more about urself....n make urself realise that... ##U r not inferior to other either....this is what's about ur power.... N yuppp!!!!! #justloveurself..... It's more than anything else!!!!!

!!!!,The ten commitments!!!!

💥commit to urself  during hard moments!! 💥commit to breathe deep when you just want to run.... 💥 Commit to clap urself when others do not!!! 💥 Commit to accept the part of you seen and unseen... 💥 commit to own your mistakes!!!! 💥commit to take of your responsibility for ur actions..!!! 💥commit to choose you more often!!! 💥commit to open your heart ❤️ and let others in!!! 💥commit to think and grow rich holistically!!! 💥commit to do your work and be a good person!!! And at last... don't forget to #love urself....and also don't forget to#bewithmini😋!!!!!