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#time to take a break n feel urself 🤗

Balance urself, dear..those Storm do not have to range in ur mind .you can take a break;you can breathe softly and doesn't always have to be about getting stuff done;the journey is equally about letting things happen.~i have been hearing your crises of stress and fatigue ..
So u can watch just how much life loves you just as you have proved day in and day out....
You love life ❤️❤️
So refresh ur Mind,go ahead ...
#bewithurself #bewithmini😋


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Hey thanks for stopping by here!!!!!🙂 N welcome to #bewithmini..... So ,m yamini Tiwari from India!!! n m Just a student right now.....n a cs student..!!!! So yuppp!! M gonna starting this blog as  #bewithmini😋 ...... I just want to share about a day.... which all of u guys are spend with urself  #beurself...!! So my main intention is to create this blog,,,just to introduce , enjoy and spend  all the moments of ur life with urself .....rather than with a lots of fucking shits.... Here,,u need know more about urself....n make urself realise that... ##U r not inferior to other either....this is what's about ur power.... N yuppp!!!!! #justloveurself..... It's more than anything else!!!!!

!!!!,The ten commitments!!!!

💥commit to urself  during hard moments!! 💥commit to breathe deep when you just want to run.... 💥 Commit to clap urself when others do not!!! 💥 Commit to accept the part of you seen and unseen... 💥 commit to own your mistakes!!!! 💥commit to take of your responsibility for ur actions..!!! 💥commit to choose you more often!!! 💥commit to open your heart ❤️ and let others in!!! 💥commit to think and grow rich holistically!!! 💥commit to do your work and be a good person!!! And at last... don't forget to #love urself....and also don't forget to#bewithmini😋!!!!!